A Survey of Animal User Training Programs Across Academia, Industry, and Medical Centers


Description of research: A survey was created and the authors sought to quantify the following animal user training program components: 

  • How do you become aware of training needs?
  • Is animal user training outside of general IACUC training a requirement prior to beginning work?
  • Is there a designated animal user trainer at your institution? Is training their full time responsibility?
  • Does the training program involve in person presentations, hands-on wet labs, and/or online learning modules?
  • Are there additional training requirements for specific procedures or species? If so, what are they?
  • Do you assess proficiency for new personnel? If so, how?
  • Do you reassess proficiency for established personnel? If so, how? 

Research Methods: The authors in person, via telephone, and emails, sought responses to a survey to assess training programs across institutions, including academia, industry and medical centers. 

Results: Once complete results will be compiled and evaluated to determine if there are any trends within, between, and across the different types of institutions surveyed. 

Limitations: Limitations included, the ability to differentiate answers between different sites within an organizational response, and global Programs may not have equal representation in statistical evaluation compared to multiple individual site responses.